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Frequently Asked
How can I place an order?
In the online store, by filling out the application form, or by sending an application by e-mail, or by phone, by calling one of our specialists (if you are already our customer), or by coming to our office - Riga, Ulbrokas Street 44A (working hours: Sunday 09:00- 17:00).
How will I receive an invoice and how do I pay it?
After completing the order, you will receive a confirmation with a pre-paid invoice to the e-mail address you provided within one working day. The invoice number must be indicated in the payment. If payment is not made within 3 days, the order is cancelled.
What are the available ways to receive an order?
Upon arrival at our office - Riga, Ulbrokas street 44A (the product can be received immediately after payment), or by delivery to a desired location within Riga* (6.99 EUR + VAT). Delivery for orders over 150 EUR (without VAT) – free of charge, or delivered by courier outside Riga* (7.99 EUR + VAT). Delivery time - 2-3 working days from the moment of payment of the order.
What happens if I don't pay for my order on time?
If payment is not made within 3 days, the order is cancelled.
Contact details Contact us through the following contacts
Call Us + 371 22178498
Write to Us [email protected]
Working timeMonday - Friday09:00 - 17:00